Monday, August 31, 2020

Excellence Quotation Analysis

Excellence Quotation Analysis

Task 1: Quote Understanding

“We are what we repeatedly do. 
Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.”
 - Aristotle (Greek philosopher 384 - 322 BCE)

Why does Aristotle say that excellence is a habit,
what do you think he means? Never stop being excellent,
always do work hard & choose what's best for you and others around you.
Describe three habits you currently have that are the
habits of excellence. 

When is this quote not accurate?  When someone does a
selfless act of kindness to a stranger.

Can you think of single acts that are demonstrations of excellence?
When someone gives money to the homeless, When someone
joins a sport\activity When someone works very hard.

Task 2: Quote comparison

Choose two of the excellence quotes and record them here
“If you can dream it, you can do it.” 
“To be successful you have to be selfish, or else you never
achieve. And once you get to your highest level, then you
have to be unselfish. Stay reachable. Stay in touch.
Don't isolate.”

Now answer these questions.

How are these quotes similar in meaning? They both are telling
you how to be successful in different ways

What is different about the ideas behind these quotations? The first
one is telling you to have self belief & The second one is
always be selfless even when your at the top.

Task 3: My Favourite Excellence Quote

Choose your favourite quote about excellence. 
Record it here and write a paragraph explaining
the meaning of your quote and why you chose it.

Static Energy Experiement

Last week in interchange, We did an experiment on static energy.

Monday, August 24, 2020

What Is Excellence ?

This week in totara 3 we have been focusing on excellence & how too show it.