Friday, July 31, 2020

Woman Takes Selfie With Bear


Here are some photos of the bear following the two woman around
Now i bet youre wondering where is this selfie..?  well this is how it turned out
Chipinque Ecological Park in Mexico:

Friday, July 3, 2020

Pet Week

On the last week of the term we had pet week. Every day a different hub brought their pet to school, On Thursday it was totara's pet day. At the beginning of the day all the people that had their pets sorted their dogs into small,medium and big. My dog Oreo was sorted into the medium dogs category, Oreo unfortunately wasn't the best behaved and was VERY energetic which made my job to look after him HARD. His harness wasn't on properly so it kept on coming off and when it came off he sprinted to the other dogs which was very annoying.  Oreo loved the people tho, and was petty good at walking around. But he was only 10 months old and he was scaring some people.